Forget Tigers !! Save Parsis…… !
Daily tabloids are now running episodes on rampant Gujjars over reservations issue. Just being fed up, I thought it was time for me to brief my readers on one out of palce community named Parsis .
It was 8 th Century. Parsis ( Persians) were thrusted out of their own country by invaders .But somehow they reached the then Gujarat’s province which was ruled by some Jadhav Rana. Helpless clan needed shelter and way to make a living. The king, showed a jug full of milk to them. He meant symbolically, that his province was already populated and there was nothing he could do.
A clever man from the community poured a fistful of sugar into the jug. Sugar had got completely dissolved .Not even a drop of milk spilt out. The king smiled and was convinced. !
Still today, parsis have stuck to their promise.They never thought this country was not meant for them. Be it ups or downs, they were there, with Indians to create a saga. Like sugar in milk, sweetening it.
Just get your history freshened. In pre Independence era, Indians had to depend on Britishers for everything. Not just that, pay tax for whatever they themselves prepared. It was Jameshedji Tata who imported upated machinaries from abroad,initiated many industries for Indians.Swadesi campaign he did it in action and not by fruity talks.His automobile industries, steel plants made India a strong nation. He was once restricted entrance to plush hotel as it was for “whites only”. Humiliated, he built the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel for an whopping 4 crore rupees in 1903. It was his great vision who taught us Indians to be self depenedent. Jameshedpur is named after him and he was awarded Bharat Ratna.
Sam Manekshaw- 9th General . Just before his death, it was reported that he said “I am Okay !”. World War II, 1948 war with Pakistan,1962 China War,1965 and 1971 Pakistan wars, he commanded the army. It was because of his bravery we are having safe heavens today. Pakistan always hated him. They always felt they lost not to India but for this brave man. Parsi community has even shed its blood for India. Admiral Jal Curtji, Air marshal Aspee marwen engineer too are Parsis.
There is no field not excelled by them.
Dadabhai Navroji ,the grand old man of India ( NO.. its not Gandhi) along with him was Dinshaw edulji wacha another Parsi who were founding pillars of famous Indian National Congress( A O Hume just took the credit). Pheroze Shah Mehta who was Knighted by British empire, was also leading activist for Indians, Bhikaji Cama who designed one of the early Indian flags too did her contribution for Indian freedom struggle.
Ardeshir Irani who directed first Indian Talkie movie Alam Ara,in 1931, Nariman Contractor who captained Indian cricket team, Soli Sorabjee, Nani Phalkiwala for being esteemed jurists,Russi Karanjia who opened indian media and journalism for a wider horizons,Zubin Mehta for being a wonderful world class musician….
Today India is one super Nuclean Power. Homi Jehangir Bhabha,whose dreams,talks and works in 1944 made us so. India was then poor country struggling even for morsel of food. Young Bhabha was a nuclear physicist who worked to strengthen India. His remarkable leadership led us to outshine other developed countries in Nuclear program. Bhabha Atomic Research Center in Tarapur is namned after him.
Boman Irani, Cyrus Broacha too are parsis.
Demographic stats reveal that,by 2020 Parsi population would come to just 23000 it includes even Rahul Gandhi ! (less than 0.0002% of the 2001 population of India). What a pity ! When they were offered minority status and reservation benefits by government of India, they refused it silently. Instead, they requested the commission to treat them equally like any other general community. Its really isnpiring to learn about them and to know their achievements for India, a country which depended and depends on them !
Now lets come to tigers !!.
There was a tiger. It hunted a deer and feted on its meat.
North Or South ... Ms Arundati Roy, Shut your Mouth !
1998,It was my student life. My favourite question, in the quiz back then was “Who won the Booker Prize for 1997 ?” for which I knew the answer(It was a fresh question,none knew Arundati Roy then). Her novel “The God of small things” had earned US$ 30,000 and a citation. She was the face of promising Indian literature.
Born with cross religio-cultural background,Ms Roy was struggler. With an architecture degree in hand she worked in various jobs including writing screen plays for movies, performing for them and even running aerobics classes. Then she landed up in writing novels which confronted social issues,her surroundings. This was the time she penned celebrated novel “The God of small things “ which was her semi autobiographical having references from her childhood life. Such a great history to start with !
Is she an Indian for real?
Same question is haunting many people,now a days.
The time when major nations worldwide had tested and adapted Nuclear wepons, it was show time for Indian Government. India had successfully tested 5 bombings in Pokhran Rajastan under able leadership of Vajpayee in May 1998.Yes, we needed Nuclear Power just to make our neighbors realize that we are not to be underestimated. Who else can take risk when countries like China, Pakistan share your borders ? . We Indians have taught lessons to world on Non-Violence, have showed that we can endure any hardships without going violent. We needed to arm ourselves and become a Nuclear Super power. It was red letter day for Indians.
Unfortunately, Arundhati Roy stated “The bomb is India. India is the bomb. Not just India, Hindu India” in her essay The End of Imagination(1998). She not just questioned India’s sovereignity but also painted the issue with religion. How could one convince her that India did not possess the weapons just to save one particular religion. The test was headed by A P J Abdul Kalam. Ms Arundhati Roy took no efforts to learn about whos who of the project. But commented with sheer negilgence just to be in newspapers.
2001,December Let and JeM had attacked Indian Parliament killing 6 policmen and a civilian. This was yet again failed attempt of cowards to threaten India.Mohammad Afzal was awarded Death Penalty for having masterminded the attack. Arundathi called death sentence for Afzal to be stayed. Why her heart softens for this terrorist who mercilessly killed CRPF Jawans. Is she related to him ?
Everyone in Andhra Pradesh , West Bengal knows how barbaric Naxalites or Maoists can turn.
Nobody can describe them better. When peace talks failed between Government and these extremists,government had no option other than shedding blood. Troups of jawans were deployed in every corner of exetremists infested area. Naxals and maoists were given dose of their own medicine.
Many of the extremists surrendered and naxalite activities were thus controlled.
Many of the extremists surrendered and naxalite activities were thus controlled.
We again had statements coming from Ms Roy, criticizing Governments action as “war on poorest people in teh country” and calling Naxals /Maosists as “Gandhians with a gun”. What a heights of insanity ? what a shame. Where were you when the same “Gandhis” killed 70 soldiers, or butchered another 50 by a bomb rigged civilian bus? Nathuram Godse killed “Mahatma” with a bullet, but you are killing Mahatma’s soul and idealogies merely with comparison. ! shame on you.
Namaste sharada devi Kashmira puravasini
Tvamaham prarthye nityam, vidhyaanam cha dehi me
Meaning : Salutations to Godess Sharada, resident of Kashmir. I pray you daily to offer me knowledge.
This hymn is composed by saint Adi Shankara of 8th CE .Staring from Mahabharatha,Kambojas ruled Kasmir. Kashmir was resided early by brahmins who are now called Kashmiri Pundits. In their era, sanskrit was bettered. Panini introduced grammar for sanskrit. It became center for both buddhists and hindus. Later it was ruled by muslim rulers including Moghuls,Durani empire. Raja Ranjith singh too ruled Kashmir till it became part of British India. At the time of Independence, the then ruler of Mulsim dominated Kashmir, Raja Hari singh was given choice of joining either of nations India or Pakistan or to have seaparate nation of his own. Meanwhile Pakistan started sending troups to acquire Kashmir and at the same time Raja Hari singh signed the document to be part of Indian governement, which was entirely legal and as par with British rules too.
Kashmir always has been part of India since the time immemorial.
Architecture degree holder Ms Arundathi Roy, who is also hungry for attention devised a mechanism to appear in front pages, unfortunately by playing with Indian emotions. Freedom of speech was the right she chose to tarnish Indian image infront of whole world. What a pity!
In a seminar “Azadi – The only way” on October 2010 at New Delhi, along with Huriyat conference party leader S A S Gilani, Arundhati Roy crossed the limits.
She stated “Kashmir should get azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan” and continued saying that Kashmir had never been part of India. How dare she say this ? Any school going kid also knows that Kashmir is one of the states of India, has been part of constitution. Just because citizens there are not happy with the way military operations are carried out ,how one can one justify that state has to be liberated ? Unless we send military troups there, how well we can curb militants? Do you think they are “Gandhians with grenades” ? “Bhooke-Nange Hindustan” comment shows how sadistic she is about her own nation.
Why we had to scarifice our soldiers Major Somanath Sharma,Vikram Batra, Sudheer Walia, Capt. Harshan, Vijayanth Thapar defending Kashmir against coward Pakistanis ?Why you are acting as agent of separatists parties, Paksitani terrorists ? If you are really worried about India why dont you join some NGOs and work for developments aiming women and children? Why you are unhappy with every policy of India? Why you are sadistic of India and have communal thoughts ?
If you are not happy here, go and settle down somewhere else, or try staying in China and “criticise” their acquistions of Taiwan,Hong Kong or Tibet,why dont you try that out ?
This is India ! Frankly speaking we dont require any Nuclear weapon to destroy us. But one black sheep like this , we end up losing the game.Till now not even a single sedition charge has been slapped against “The Godess of CHEAP stunts”.
I serioulsy regret, having taken pride of learning about Arundhati Roy early in 1998. I would better lose the quiz competition by not mentioning her now.
Alas !
Enthiran... ! The Robot
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Enthiran.. The Robot !! |
He is not an immortal, he is not a phenomenon. But he is beyond those boundaries which are cliched off for legends. I witnessed something on screen last saturday which made half a thousand souls around me feel ecstasy !!
There is nothing Rajini “KANT” do !
I am Chitti, The Robot
Speed 1 Tera HertzMemory 1 Zeta Byte
Thats how great Robo introduces itself. It can read books/magazines in seconds, can run faster than train, can sing any raagas, can attract magnetically,metallic weapons used by bloody goons of the street. The way Chitti the Robot cooks food, applies henna for all the lasses, dances ,helps Sana the heroine to pass the exam.
Clap clap clap !
Chitti the robo however lacks emotions, feelings and humanly behaviour. He doesnt sport idea of lying, covering a naked girl with a cloth whom he saved or even to avoid stabbing his creator scientist Dr.Vaseegran (Scientist Rajini). All it has is artificial Intelligence which is based on flowcharts and algorithms.
Gradually Robo learns to understand,feel and play emotions. He even gifts a golden necklace for his lady love Sana. You see a chronic love angle in the story where Nickle made robot tweets for his love.
Upgraded Version 2.0
Chitti the Robot !
This is flipped side of Chitti who is mal-programmed. Chitti now aims to win Sana’s heart and get rid of his creator Dr. Vaseegaran . He becomes destructive killing everyone who oppose him . At one point of time he loads his wrist with bullets and shoots them through his fingers. !
How vaseegaran takes control of evil Chitti and gets back his love is all up for you to see in theater. For god’s sake do not spend money to get pirated version and see in your lappy. ( worst idea). All i say would be “Watch in theater dude !”.
Special effects of the movie worth your pocket. There is not even a penny of yours is wasted. Great humor, impressive story line accompanied by melodious tracks by ARR takes you to next dimensions of Indian cinema.
You would generously lend some extra points for Rajini Saar for his devotion for the role despite his age almost touching 61. Aishwarya has done indeed a good job to stick to role opposite the lord of south Indian movies. S Shankar has co-written a nice script, giving it techie masala as well. “Irumbile oru Idhiayam” and “Chitti dance” are my fave tracks.
Few excerpts of the movie I would like to mention here :
[ Back Ground : Scientist Vaseegaran(Rajini) has come for a haircut. Chitti the robo(Rajini) is getting bored while his master is busy getting hair cut . He is given some magazines to beat his boredom]
Chitti reads a magazine just by waving it in front of his eyes ( Speed 1 Tera Hz). He keeps piling these “read” magazines stacked. People around him are taken by surprise. Chitti asks for some more magazines as he is still bored while Vaseegaran’s haircut hasn’t yet started.
He is now given a telephone directory :) . Chitti “scans” it . Done,saved ! ( Memory 1 Zeta Byte )
One of the customer, so as to verify Chitti’s memory power tells his name to be Bhajan Lal and asks Chitti to reveal his telephone number. Chitti just “retrieves” from his memory and asks him his initials as there are ten Bhajan Lal’s.
Surprised with this , Bhajan Lal says his initials to be “K”. Chitti again “retrieves” from his memory and tells that there are three “Bhajan Lal K” s. Now Bhajan Lal ends up saying his address. Chitti the robo will slap him with his stupid telephone number. !
Another customer lets chitti know his telephone number and challenges chitti to discolse his name.
Chitti reveals the customer’s name immediately.
Kanna, Chumma adiridille ? Eppudi ?
[ Back Ground : Sana( Aishwarya) is preparing for her exam with Chitti at her hostel. There is loud music played at a nearby Goddess temple. Chitti now wants to stop the disturbance]
Chitti sees a gang of thugs negligent about disturbance, caused by the loud music. He requests them politely saying that music has gone beyond 300 decibels and students are not able to concentrate.
But thugs will not be warm for his request.
Chitti blows whole music system! Thud. ! Starts walking away from gang , with Sana !
Angry goons now take their weapons out. Machetes, knives, Axes , chains ,daggers they display everything.
Chitti switches Magnetic mode on ! Entire weapon gets attracted to his body. And within next moment he adorns himself like a goddess !!
The chains become necklace and also a belt. He holds entire weapons the way Kaali maa does !
I dont know what happened to me ! I just jumped,stood erect on my seat clapped for this Darshan while entire audience went crazy :P
The Tester’s Perspective

“ Boundary Value Analysis is done when you know the range of Inputs and Outputs; Black box testing is performed when you do not know the internals of a product, load testing is done as to check what extent the product can bear the stress.... ”
There is a developer. There is a product. There are plenty of clients, stakeholders, end users and your product can’t go wrong. And here goes... A tester comes into the picture.
I will tell you, the things running in tester’s gray cells from here on.
Is the product specification right, do clients and end users get what they require?
Has the product developed in right way?
How can I break the product? What might be the loophole(s) of the same?
Is the documentation for the product and usage guidelines proper?
How to convince developer(s) about the bug/anomaly I found?
How to achieve faster testing mechanism to find bugs?
A tester has to know everything, right, left and center. A to Z. As the days went by I came closer to this truth.You are not actually finding mistakes but it’s just the way for the product to get better. So the user of the product gets good night sleep for a better product.
I am going to share some of my findings in this regard. I being a tester (Never wanted to be one, but I was the one as fate had)
First I was of the opinion that, it’s all about breaking a developer’s ego. He develops the product mammoth size and you find a pinhole. He is hurt.
Rather than testing, Developing is more interesting. In reality, trust me both are challenging. Developing product from nothing is interesting and learning the same and bettering the product is similarly interesting.
A tester has no scope for scripting/coding. Wrong.! He has to create scenarios for the products, write the code on product (as the developer did) and then automate the same. Find a way for product to go wrong in quicker way.
A tester should think like a villain. Yes. A badman can only break the product.
Let me give an analogy, a developer is like a teacher who preaches student what to follow and a tester teaches what NOT to follow. Both are working for betterment of the student by their own methodologies. Their attempts are genuine, unique and equally challenging. And I will tell you li’l secret; it’s always what not to follow things are attractive and interesting. ;)
Human being always lives with dvandva (meaning duality).White and black together are contrasting to each other. Importance of each other is known when both are present. You can always develop a habit (meaning a product here) like a developer. But for little while think like a tester.
Is that habit/state of mind serving your presence, is it representing the real you?
What makes you uncomfortable with this state of mind under test? What’s your limiting point?
Is there any other way I can get improved?
And here you are not breaking your developer’s ego but you are happy being realistic to find your mistakes on your own and if you will, that loophole can be miraculously get rid of.
Here is a legend from Mahabharata which I would like to share,
Arjuna was on his chariot with his chauffeur Krishna, warring against Karna who was almost defeated. One arrow shot from Arjuna, propelled Karna’s chariot to a hundred units of distance. And now, Karna in reply, propelled Arjuna’s chariot just one unit of distance.
Even being at the rival side, Krishna couldn’t stop applauding for Karna’s deed. Everyone at battle field including Arjuna were taken by surprise.
The reason: Karna had displaced Arjuna’s chariot by one hundredth of what Arjuna did for Karna’s chariot.
And the Krishna explained that, Arjuna’s chariot (refer here as product) was actually owned by Lord Soorya, created and tested by the great architect of Gods Vishwakarma, boarding currently Arjuna and supergod Krishna ( this was post Vishwaroopa darshana) was thrown by tired Karna’s one stupid arrow. Just imagine how much powerful Karna was when compared with Arjuna who propelled an ordinary chariot containing two normal human beings a Karna and one Shalya the chauffeur for Karna.
Arjuna felt shameful .
Moral :
There was still scope for improvement with Arjuna’s chariot ;)
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