Just kidding, I am sorry… :)
It has been part and parcel of our life. You do all the nasty things and have a readymade pretext. How funny? But none wants to be a kid infact.
I am now fed up being adult and doing mature things. And I am damn sure so are you. Get up early in the morning, do all the things and go to school wearing uniform. Seriously, I want to be a kid. Fight with neighbor, steal chocolates from Naveen anna’s shop, collect the pebbles, listen to mythic stories, by-heart the math table , make a paper boat and let it in rain water running in gutter, keeping a larva in matchbox and “bringing it up” till it becomes a big butterfly…
“Err execuse me , Juniper has issues, its ge-1/0/0 port has gone down; need to get it rebooted”
To hell with Juniper. I sometimes think to get that router emptied of all the ICs, cards sockets ports and fill it with blue water, grow some mosses and let some colorful fishes swim.. Will not the lab then look cute….?
I am of the opinion that every one has a kid hidden in them. Be it GM of the company or a paanwala. Little innocence, little naughtiness why can’t we possess? Even if we do why are we acting? Why, as we grow older stick to Economic times and not Tinkle? Why we stay away from tempting Ice creams and cakes once we were addicted to eat? These are some of the questions I usually avoid answering.
What we like actually in kids?
A colleague of mine chooses kids smile. She herself is mother, said she also liked her kid picking its first words ‘Mom, Papa’ (Not coz they are in alphabetic order ..!) .Some chose kids innocence; their face being bucket of question marks. A kid’s touch is charismatic. Isn’t it like a bird’s soft feather?
Why can’t we be kids?
Gotcha…! Scare for your image right? : P what if a passer by observes me dancing when I am listening to a rocking music? Or is it because you want to declare your maturity? You don’t want to have more toys as you are “grown” ? Come one..! Once in a while be a kid... You love it. I always liked being like that. It will “ F5” ( read it as refresh) your life.. Trash the files; stop the coding and go out and get wet in the rain.. Pick some rocking music and do a hip shake...and definitely read Tinkle.. ( Suppandi is just awesome , and he is still alive )
You will definitely LOVE your life again… Trust me
Two kids were boasting ..….
Kid1 : I have got a big home.
Kid2 : I have got a bigger home .
Kid 1 : My bro is intelligent ,
Kid2 : My bro , sis both have scored better marks than your bro.
Kid1 : My mom is beautiful.
Kid2 ( frowns, feels he lost ) : Yeah I do agree with that, I lost , My dad too says so…
Can you Kid ?