Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to…
George Seaton
1. A spiritual being believed to be an attendant or messenger of God
2. A conventional representation of an angel as a human being with wings
3. Informal a person who is kind, pure, or beautiful
It was my Anganwaadi (Kindergarten) class, I remember Ratnavathi Teacher narrating a story on one Cinderella, the poor girl who was living a tragic life and later was fortunate enough to get wed locked with Prince of the state. “They lived happily ever after “story. What caught my attention was the ANGEL...! The Angel in the story poured her love on this poor chit of girl and bestowed her all the luxuries. So sweet of angel.
What if I had an Angel with me? Call her fairy or semi-human magician or genie, whatever. It’s just exciting to have an Angel in your life. I was thinking then... What if I really had an Angel? What should I say to mom?
I went to Ratnavathi teacher (I used to ask her so many doubts) asked “Do Angels really exist? Why don’t we get to see them? Can I have an Angel for me? ”. I must appreciate her; she never discouraged me asking doubts. She was pleasant and soft. She said “Yes, Angels do exist . They help people who are in trouble and only are visible to them.”
It was pleasant answer. And I was no Cinderella. I dint have any works to do at home as she did , except for home works and my teacher told Angels don’t help to do homeworks. A Kid’s thoughts, a kid’s desire to have an Angel….
There was one serial in DD, every Sunday was getting telecasted “Sabina – A story of an Angel”. I was ardent fan of her .It shaped my mind that Angels are feminine in looks and emotions. I asked my mom too about angels, I don’t remember what she answered. I guess she was busy cooking.
It was some place; I don’t remember. I had been to relatives’ home there. And in the evening we went for outing, me, my mom and that aunt. We boarded bus in the evening; my mom and aunt were seated in front seats. You know right? It’s me. I requested mom that I will be seated in backseats as I liked chatting with conductor ( I always wanted to be a conductor ). I occupied last seat (I was 7, you know what? My mom was confident about me). I was stupid; I saw a building identical to my aunt’s home. I got down there from back exit thinking mom and aunt had got down from front exit.
Guess what? bus left, and there was no mom and no aunt. It was evening and I was scared to death. How to contact my mom? My heart was throbbing loudly. It breezed. A fair lady was passing near by, saw me lonely and sobbing. She came to me and asked my whereabouts. I knew only Konkani, Urdu and little ungrammatical Kannada. I explained somehow what happened, some information about my parents. I also told her that I was missing mom and need soon to be with mom. She consoled me and caught my hand and we were walking towards the way where my bus had left. It was complete silence. I dint say anything she dint ask anything, she was just all smiling and consoling. Some quarter of an hour later, I saw my mom and aunt coming towards us walking, worried.
She smiled and went; I felt she was the Angel.
I was growing. Textbooks had much of science, matter and cosmos. Theory of evolution, Big bang theory. My heart broke. It all left my thoughts, ideals bogus. No Angels No Gods and No sinner shall perish and the goody shall nourish. It was a big blow.
It gradually made me think. Angels need not be having magical powers; need not be having wings. They help the people who are in trouble and are visible only to them. Some said Mother Teresa was an angel; some believed Divya Bharati was an angel; some loved their daughter as an angel. Angelic World, Angelic Life, Angelic Thoughts.
Since then I felt Angels are amongst us; my mom is an angel, my teachers are angels, my friends are angels and the beautiful people around you are angels. You are in trouble they will show up and they will help you. They will inspire your life. They will soothe your fist sized tender heart. Every person, creature in this world has feminine quality in traces which is Angelic.
But you have too see for HER, trust HER and wait for HER..!
Yes.. Angels do EXIST..!