It was 16 th century..! The King and his troop had lost their way while hunting, in a dense forest. All were tired and were hungry too. But they were moving towards nowhere, hoping for shelter and some food as it was getting darker. Somehow they found a ray of light of a lamp ,apparently was a hut .And they found an old lady hosting for them. She served boiled beans for entire gang and she sheltered them for the night. The king rewarded her and promised he would return soon as he was really overwhelmed with kind of hospitality shown by the lady…! He returned back to his kingdom.
He was none other than Kempe Gowda , the founder/discoverer of so called Bangalore, now which is renamed to be Bengalooru . Ironically the original name is “Benda-Kaalooru “(place where boiled beans were served ). He went on to rule Bangalore and he is still remembered today! He was the mastermind behind the planning of the city, infrastructure, water supply and the thick vegetation which makes every Bangalorean to be proud of.! The King Kempe Gowda even went a step ahead and posted four pillars across the city Bangalore in 16 th century. And he estimated Bangalore will be confined within these four pillars, however developed let it be. But poor Kempe Gowda..! Had he had any idea about IT/BT , he would not have been facing a shame. All the four pillars are now in the centre of Bangalore city…!!! Bengalooru is Asia’s fastest growing city.
I finished complete 13 months of staying at Bengalooru. I have learnt many things. I have seen so many interesting incidents; I have spoken to so many people in just one year, have visited so many places here. It’s really just wonderful being here and spending time.
My first day is too fresh to be forgotten. I took 40 minutes to cross the Outer ring road which today I take just 3 minutes to cross…!!
So whats “ Happening ” in the city ? Is it the fact that it has 240+ software companies ? Or is it because of 50+ pubs in the city ? Or is it because of pleasant weather or is it because of warm people here..? It has got all essentials; it’s like a Bollywood masala movie. Bengalooru has New Delhi’s cleanliness and vegetation, Mumbai’s commercial elements, Kolkota’s Religious zeal and Chennai’s Tamil speaking people.
May it be dense Rajaji Nagar, under development Bomman Halli, cool Indira Nagar or much hyped M.G.Road, you will find almost all sort of people. Not just Kannadigas. I guess, Bengalooru is the only capital/metro where you find the native people quite less in number or even they can be said minority. A “samanya Bengalooriga” is very much tolerant to anything, almost everything. Starting with language, space to live, traffic, pollution, immigrants sandalwood movies and recent bomb blasts. That is why one can see harmony in the city. That’s what is the most alluring thing about Bengalooru. A tamilian feels Bengalooru as his own place, more than his hometown. A praajee too feels Bengalooru as his own “pind”. Sakkhat “jai” place kanamma…!!
And one thing I am very much sorry about the city is that none really cares about the regional language Kannada. Really none gives a damn. Karnataka can boast of having procured 7 Gyana Peeth awards the country’s supreme award for literature, which no other state in India has got. It has given 2 Rashtra Kavi s for the country. But unfortunately the language is seldom spoken. No, I am not expecting a Raj Thakre for the state; neither have I expected regional chauvinism for the language. I had no idea earlier, for the ignorance towards the language. But gradually I noticed it. I definitely have to narrate you, two incidents which are food for your thoughts;
It was Saturday; around 11 o clock. I had just finished my breakfast in a hotel, and I met an old man wearing dhoti and jubba near roadside.He was panting, and inquired me whether I know Kananda. The poor old man was from Dharwad ,visitor for the city , was searching for a Kannada newspaper since morning and dint find one..!?. He concluded such a condition he never thought would arise in Bengalooru. I was numb! ( and dumb too )
And one other day I caught a rickshaw from Silk Board towards my place, Munnekollal Marathalli ,around 13 Kilo meters of journey .As I had left office very late in the night , came till Silk Board and it started raining . Me and the driver dealt for 250 bucks for the journey. (which I could later claim from my office). So rickshaw was rushing and some Telugu song was playing . I was drowsing off. Suddenly something screeched, I was alarmed, opened my eyes just to see the driver applying breaks. The things came to get cleared. It was apparent that, our driver was about to hit some other vehicle which had come in wrong way , but due to smart thinking of my driver , danger was averted. My driver was furious. He started blasting off the other guy in Telugu and in turn the other guy too turned to be arguing in Telugu. People from nowhere started to gather. And guess what the mob too speaking Telugu..! I felt completely left out in Bengalooru the capital city of Kannada speaking state Karnataka..!! lols…!
Whatever you say, every city has its own specialty. IT hub of the nation, kids learn first from keyboard then they will find nothing interesting here. English seems to be originating from this place before to UK.The garden city and of late one of the cities in terrorists’ hit list. There is something “In” in Bangalore.
Usually I don’t carry cash , as I am spendthrift. I encountered an old beggar on street. I dint have anything to give her in terms of notes or coins. The lady did not believe! I don’t know, I guess she was in mood to “test “a “tester..” ! I showed her my empty valet full of cards and some note papers. I felt relieved as she found nothing in me. I should appreciate; she saw my sodexho coupons..! Guess what? Next scene me donating her coupon worth 25 Rs. coz she told me she could have her belly full of food..! Can you expect some smarter beggar than her?
Its ‘coz, its
Namma Bengalooru..!