Our Mother India is crying…! Ponder over this….
First let’s start with the Country’s name India. Actually name was derived from river Sindhu.As westerners couldn’t pronounce it well. what they addressed us wrongly... it became our country's name... Bush's dog's name is India...the dictionary says exact meaning of Indian means "uncultured, barabarians" ... yup, the same country which has given ancient civilization to the world is uncultured. WE ARE PROUD TO BE INDIANS.....!?
We can’t address Hindustan as it’s sure to evoke controversy. Similar is the case when its addressed Bhaarath as king Bharath was Hindu...
Next let’s start with pluralism....
There are thousands of languages, many cultures, many religions, many sects and never to forget many Gods. many castes. dressing style...cuisines.. There are more than enough things for us to GET DIFFERENTIATED. Can we be united? Hindu doesn’t like the Muslim and vice versa... North Indians don’t like South Indians and vice versa. Maharastrian doesn’t like UP babu and vice versa. A BJP follower doesn’t like a Congress follower. There are problems of reservations based on castes... pilgrim provisions based on religions...financial aids based on languages. All these are fodders for controversy.
Now about governance.
There are 500+ politiacians at central, and 200+ MLA s at states... 200 more if it has MLCs. Top to bottom is corrupted. You don’t see politicians coming in walk or rikshaws. Politicians who are homeless. (?) Minimum of one crore rupees each politiacians will pile up in their tenure. Just imagine the amount which is misused.
No proper infrastructure. No proper water supply, no roads, no transportation, no education, no proper law and order.
Ok, if you have some complaints and you approach government officials. You are gone... bribery exists. They say there are millions of people in govt. sector who get bribed.
Can we expect good administration?
Now let’s talk about education...
I agree Indians are brains... mathematics, computers. Everywhere there are Indian impressions. The language system is difficult in country .Disputes are there to go for English or Kannada medium, while none worries about the content of teaching.
Finally once they are educated they flee to abroad for lump sums packages. People who get subsidies from govt.for education too go abroad for their comforts, who educates people back home when you are away from your country?
Now let’s talk about security and the defense system.
There are many militant forces working in country, at North West Pakistani Hijbul mujahidden, .LeT etc. at north east we have China. Maoists...Down south we have Naxalites and our own “Bhai logs”, of course Mumbai mafia... and ULFA, LTTE
Tamil Nadu wants its own country. So as Nagaland, Punjab Mizoram etc...
Internal fights b/n states Karnataka Maharastra, Karnataka Andhra, to name some...
And once in while china claims some part... Bangla too does its bit.And we have PAK...
Bomb blasts at Delhi, Mumbai local trains, terrorist attacks on Parliament ,IISC.
A single common man is not sure about his next moment. Are you sure about yours?
Let’s talk about financial aspects...
We have huge population. Survey says by 2025 we will be first in population beating China .There are people who survive with jus 2 rupees per day (?) ,,, fact says in whole world Indians are paying highest tax about 50% as tax towards govt. about which 65% goes towards security and armed forces. Rest with 35 % we can see the roads, lights etc that too if politicians are kind enough to leave us few amount for good.
Now last not the least we the people...
Are we productive? We speak bout SRKs next movie...we speak about Shahid kapoor’s next gf or Sachin’s thigh pain or Deve Gowda’s next step of insanity.We will be happy if we win a silly match though some one is earning stuff.
Younger generation wants CAT or a lover or some sort of stupidity...
Where can we expect next Vivekananda...? Bhagat Singh...or Srinivas Ramanujan?
We can’t win one Oscar though we produce 900+ movies in a year. We can’t win one Olympic gold medal though we have billions of people (Thank god we won recently.).
HUM HONGE KAAMYAB EK DIN??? (When is that ...?)