
Forget Tigers !! Save Parsis…… !

Daily tabloids are now running episodes on rampant Gujjars over reservations issue. Just being fed up, I thought it was time for me to brief my readers on one out of palce community named Parsis .

It was 8 th Century. Parsis ( Persians) were thrusted out of their own country by invaders .But somehow they reached the then Gujarat’s province which was ruled by some Jadhav Rana. Helpless clan needed shelter and way to make a living. The king, showed a jug full of milk to them. He meant symbolically, that his province was already populated and there was nothing he could do.

A clever man from the community poured a fistful of sugar into the jug. Sugar had got completely dissolved .Not even a drop of milk spilt out. The king smiled and was convinced. !

Still today, parsis have stuck to their promise.They never thought this country was not meant for them. Be it ups or downs, they were there, with Indians to create a saga. Like sugar in milk, sweetening it.

Just get your history freshened. In pre Independence era, Indians had to depend on Britishers for everything. Not just that, pay tax for whatever they themselves prepared. It was Jameshedji Tata who imported upated machinaries from abroad,initiated many industries for Indians.Swadesi campaign he did it in action and not by fruity talks.His automobile industries, steel plants made India a strong nation. He was once restricted entrance to plush hotel as it was for “whites only”. Humiliated, he built the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel for an whopping 4 crore rupees in 1903. It was his great vision who taught us Indians to be self depenedent. Jameshedpur is named after him and he was awarded Bharat Ratna.

Sam Manekshaw- 9th General . Just before his death, it was reported that he said “I am Okay !”. World War II, 1948 war with Pakistan,1962 China War,1965 and 1971 Pakistan wars, he commanded the army. It was because of his bravery we are having safe heavens today. Pakistan always hated him. They always felt they lost not to India but for this brave man. Parsi community has even shed its blood for India. Admiral Jal Curtji, Air marshal Aspee marwen engineer too are Parsis.

There is no field not excelled by them.

Dadabhai Navroji ,the grand old man of India ( NO.. its not Gandhi) along with him was Dinshaw edulji wacha another Parsi who were founding pillars of famous Indian National Congress( A O Hume just took the credit). Pheroze Shah Mehta who was Knighted by British empire, was also leading activist for Indians, Bhikaji Cama who designed one of the early Indian flags too did her contribution for Indian freedom struggle.

Ardeshir Irani who directed first Indian Talkie movie Alam Ara,in 1931, Nariman Contractor who captained Indian cricket team, Soli Sorabjee, Nani Phalkiwala for being esteemed jurists,Russi Karanjia who opened indian media and journalism for a wider horizons,Zubin Mehta for being a wonderful world class musician….

Today India is one super Nuclean Power. Homi Jehangir Bhabha,whose dreams,talks and works in 1944 made us so. India was then poor country struggling even for morsel of food. Young Bhabha was a nuclear physicist who worked to strengthen India. His remarkable leadership led us to outshine other developed countries in Nuclear program. Bhabha Atomic Research Center in Tarapur is namned after him.

Boman Irani, Cyrus Broacha too are parsis.

Demographic stats reveal that,by 2020 Parsi population would come to just 23000 it includes even Rahul Gandhi ! (less than 0.0002% of the 2001 population of India). What a pity ! When they were offered minority status and reservation benefits by government of India, they refused it silently. Instead, they requested the commission to treat them equally like any other general community. Its really isnpiring to learn about them and to know their achievements for India, a country which depended and depends on them !

Now lets come to tigers !!.

There was a tiger. It hunted a deer and feted on its meat.

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