Doesn’t this pic say a lot?
It’s raining heavily... a helluva rude vehicles honking at background, she is on street with her kid and ONLY ONE UMBRELLA…!! Look at her; she holds bag at one end, and the other hand holding her kid firmly. ONLY A MOTHER CAN…!!
To start with, let me confess, No. I never behaved with my mom. I was a prank (still I am) and troubling my mother was sort of fun then. When I remember those days, I can’t help myself avoid smiles. Stealing her money from mustard container (she still keeps it there ...!) and acting innocent, messing all the stuff in kitchen and making her arrange them again. And the best one I liked was to make her plead for me to have lunch.
When I was in 1st Grade, my mom found me missing, bunking the class, for entire day and later in evening I was found dancing with drunkards in a procession. I don’t know what exactly made me to join them. I guess the procession had an elephant and it fancied me. That night I found my mom’s eyes wept. I was nasty….
I have learnt lot from my mom. She was my tutor, my mentor and the only one person in world on whom I could take my wrath. She cooked good food for me. She gave me enough freedom since kid hood days and made me try all creative, crazy ideas. Have you ever dared smoking a beedi in front of your mom or have you tried traveling alone 50+ KM away when you are just 10 year old? I did. Since then I found smoking was toxic and traveling alone is never a worry. She never said a No to my crazy ideas….
We had an undeclared rapport. We had an undeclared protocol. Never to misuse the freedom she gave-and-never to deny my creativity!
She made me get toughest with tougher situations and get wiser with experience. I learnt how to bear pain and be composed. Also she made sure that I did all my sums properly and played games well. She is always friends with me. I was comfortable in life and was irritating her. She had burden of caring about my well-being and she never was serious with my pranks.
The picture says a lot... Isn’t that?
It was in September 16, 1996.I was 11 year old. I joined a residential school out of my own interest. Guys, I tell you, its tough staying in a residential school. (For visual effect and feel watch mid portion of TZP). First night of joining school, I dint eat, I dint sleep. Everything was monotonous. School knew only one language –Discipline. No more pranks, no more freedom, NO MOM, no more fun. Life seemed disaster for me. To start with, it was a mess. All sorts of kids, from different places, speaking various languages, of different religion, castes, of different colors and of different tastes. And we had to wash our own clothes, to clean dorms and toilets .Assignments and projects and tests... I was lost. Punctuality, cleanliness, respect-the-elder code, strictness. You name it, we went through it. My confidence crippled. I was vegetable for few months.
Gradually I learnt washing clothes, knowing people, scoring well in tests and assignment and speaking the language discipline in my own way. Remember be toughest when situation becomes tougher and be wiser with experience? I never quit. I completed full 7 years there, facing the odds of life, fate threw at me. Thanks Mom..!! :)
Girls are different, women are different but all mothers are same. They know only to love kids, being affectionate and love them with warmth. What we do in return? Have we ever thought of her? Let me ask for myself... Have I done anything? No my dear poor mom... I can never ever complete the circle. I always owe you...
Today I am working in corporate office. Furnished with A.C., sipping coffee seated on an easy chair and drawing a handsome (?) salary but I miss you lot mom. I might have played many tricks to irritate you; I might have ignored you for calling me at odd hours, sometimes may not have taken care of you ….
But I love you. I am still a toddler. I always like when you don’t praise me , but you say good things about me with your friends, at my back( I know it..!! ). I like when you pray for my well being . I like it when you say ‘everythings fine .. You’ll get through this.You will have good time soon son‘. I like it when you prepare Paanpolo just for me. I like it when you point out my mistakes on my face. I like everything you do for me…. I have no words.
I know, you have gone through lots of pains. Starting with labor pain, then pain of raising me up, the pain of re arranging mess I created, the pain of getting me educated the pain of departing from me and many of such...I know, you also handled many complaints against me. I also know you always stood by me when entire world was against me. I know you waited for me to come back home and taste your food. I know everything mom…!!
Oh my god..!! I am confessing... :)
Don’t you think? Even you have similar confessions for your mom?
Don’t you think you need to do something for your mom too..?
Remember buddy... You can not complete the circle... You owe her lots…
I don’t know about “GOD “
My dear mom…
It’s raining heavily... a helluva rude vehicles honking at background, she is on street with her kid and ONLY ONE UMBRELLA…!! Look at her; she holds bag at one end, and the other hand holding her kid firmly. ONLY A MOTHER CAN…!!
To start with, let me confess, No. I never behaved with my mom. I was a prank (still I am) and troubling my mother was sort of fun then. When I remember those days, I can’t help myself avoid smiles. Stealing her money from mustard container (she still keeps it there ...!) and acting innocent, messing all the stuff in kitchen and making her arrange them again. And the best one I liked was to make her plead for me to have lunch.
When I was in 1st Grade, my mom found me missing, bunking the class, for entire day and later in evening I was found dancing with drunkards in a procession. I don’t know what exactly made me to join them. I guess the procession had an elephant and it fancied me. That night I found my mom’s eyes wept. I was nasty….
I have learnt lot from my mom. She was my tutor, my mentor and the only one person in world on whom I could take my wrath. She cooked good food for me. She gave me enough freedom since kid hood days and made me try all creative, crazy ideas. Have you ever dared smoking a beedi in front of your mom or have you tried traveling alone 50+ KM away when you are just 10 year old? I did. Since then I found smoking was toxic and traveling alone is never a worry. She never said a No to my crazy ideas….
We had an undeclared rapport. We had an undeclared protocol. Never to misuse the freedom she gave-and-never to deny my creativity!
She made me get toughest with tougher situations and get wiser with experience. I learnt how to bear pain and be composed. Also she made sure that I did all my sums properly and played games well. She is always friends with me. I was comfortable in life and was irritating her. She had burden of caring about my well-being and she never was serious with my pranks.
The picture says a lot... Isn’t that?
It was in September 16, 1996.I was 11 year old. I joined a residential school out of my own interest. Guys, I tell you, its tough staying in a residential school. (For visual effect and feel watch mid portion of TZP). First night of joining school, I dint eat, I dint sleep. Everything was monotonous. School knew only one language –Discipline. No more pranks, no more freedom, NO MOM, no more fun. Life seemed disaster for me. To start with, it was a mess. All sorts of kids, from different places, speaking various languages, of different religion, castes, of different colors and of different tastes. And we had to wash our own clothes, to clean dorms and toilets .Assignments and projects and tests... I was lost. Punctuality, cleanliness, respect-the-elder code, strictness. You name it, we went through it. My confidence crippled. I was vegetable for few months.
Gradually I learnt washing clothes, knowing people, scoring well in tests and assignment and speaking the language discipline in my own way. Remember be toughest when situation becomes tougher and be wiser with experience? I never quit. I completed full 7 years there, facing the odds of life, fate threw at me. Thanks Mom..!! :)
Girls are different, women are different but all mothers are same. They know only to love kids, being affectionate and love them with warmth. What we do in return? Have we ever thought of her? Let me ask for myself... Have I done anything? No my dear poor mom... I can never ever complete the circle. I always owe you...
Today I am working in corporate office. Furnished with A.C., sipping coffee seated on an easy chair and drawing a handsome (?) salary but I miss you lot mom. I might have played many tricks to irritate you; I might have ignored you for calling me at odd hours, sometimes may not have taken care of you ….
But I love you. I am still a toddler. I always like when you don’t praise me , but you say good things about me with your friends, at my back( I know it..!! ). I like when you pray for my well being . I like it when you say ‘everythings fine .. You’ll get through this.You will have good time soon son‘. I like it when you prepare Paanpolo just for me. I like it when you point out my mistakes on my face. I like everything you do for me…. I have no words.
I know, you have gone through lots of pains. Starting with labor pain, then pain of raising me up, the pain of re arranging mess I created, the pain of getting me educated the pain of departing from me and many of such...I know, you also handled many complaints against me. I also know you always stood by me when entire world was against me. I know you waited for me to come back home and taste your food. I know everything mom…!!
Oh my god..!! I am confessing... :)
Don’t you think? Even you have similar confessions for your mom?
Don’t you think you need to do something for your mom too..?
Remember buddy... You can not complete the circle... You owe her lots…
I don’t know about “GOD “
My dear mom…
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